Recorded Astrology VIDEOS

What the Planets!?

If you are asking yourself what has been going on in the world over the last few years, you are not alone. With natural catastrophes, wars, outbreaks of epidemics, global warming, poisoning of our food, overpopulation and the increased networking of everyone and everything, we hardly recognize the world as we once knew it.

This webinar will put everything in perspective. In his elegant and humorous way Laurence will put you at ease without trivializing our times. To paraphrase Nietzsche, "We can take any what if we know why."

Preparation: None. An open mind and an active imagination help.

Format: This is a recording of a Live Webinar held

Duration: 90 min including Q&A

Cost: $28

Planets in Play

This webinar teaches the fundamental principles of Archetypal Astrology. In his easy to follow and often humorous style, Laurence takes you step by step into the depth of astrological thinking by way of archetypes. With his unique use of theatrical metaphor the complexity of the subject becomes accessible to anyone.

If you are interested in a deeper understanding of who you are or why those around you behave the way they do, this webinar is for you. Come and see the magnificent imagery that Laurence has developed over decades to show you the beauty of your inner life.

Preparations: None. An open mind and an active imagination help.

Format: This is a recording of a Live Webinar

Duration: 90 min (60 min presentation, 30 min Q&A)

Cost: $28

Healing Imagery

In this Webinar Laurence teaches you a powerful healing metaphor that can be applied to any astrological problem. You can benefit from decades of work that Laurence has completed as a practicing astrologer and has now synthesized into this marvelous presentation.

You will learn a specific tool that engages your active imagination when working with a chart. This helps you and those in your care if you are a practitioner. Laurence's model is not blame or history based but entirely empowering and has proven its efficacy in practical client work for years.

Preparation: It helps if you have a basic knowledge of astrological thinking as Laurence applies some advanced concepts. An excellent way to get the basics is to take Laurence's webinar Planets in Play above.

Format: This is a recording of a Live Webinar

Duration: 90 min (60 min presentation, 30 min Q&A)

Cost: $28

Recorded Astrology Audio

Presented at the Theosophical Society in St. Louis. The title really says it all...

Format: MP3. Once you purchase the recording you will get a link to download it to whatever digital MP3 player you have on your computer. From there you can upload it to an iPhone, Android phone or any other MP3 player. You can download the file three times (just in case you have technical problems).

Duration: 1 hour 32 minutes




This presentation was given in San Francisco in 1997 at the Cycles and Symbols Conference III. I am very pleased to have found this long-lost recording again and having digitized it, it is finally available again.

My father James Hillman and I wander through psychology, philosophy, history, astrology, and the arts. Discussions with workshop participants on Venusian issues, both archetypal and personal. Themes include: What happened to Venus when she arrived on US shores? How did Venus manifest in original native cultures? Why is therapy so obsessed with relationships? Why is our divorce rate so high and our support for the arts so low? We address architecture, beauty, food, flowers, design, clothing, love, romance, and pornography, to only name a few. Just about anyone will find some extraordinary tidbit in this only existing recording of my father and I working together.

Format: MP3. Once you purchase the recording you will get a link to download it to whatever digital MP3 player you have on your computer. From there you can upload it to an iPhone, Android phone or any other MP3 player. You can download the file three times (just in case you have technical problems).

Duration: 4 hours 22 minutes

This lecture was part of Jean Houston's Mystery School weekend on subtle energies in the fall of 2000. An introduction to archetypal astrology sets the stage for a view of your purpose in life as shown by the Moons North Node. A vast series of metaphors, ideas, concepts, and a guided meditation or two.


Format: MP3. Once you purchase the recording you will get a link to download it to whatever digital MP3 player you have on your computer. From there you can upload it to an iPhone, Android phone or any other MP3 player. You can download the file three times (just in case you have technical problems).

Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes

This lecture was sponsored by the St. Louis Jung Society and given at the St. Louis Art Museum in November 1999. This lecture discusses the emerging millennial archetypes and offers insight into our moment in history from an ancient perspective. At a time of great uncertainty, studying the ancient "natural' sciences, helps us interpret what is happening today and into the next millennium. The lecture touches on Jung's archetypal view of astrology, of its art, and how its symbols, types, and themes are reflected in mythology and Jungian psychology. It also looks at some of the recent planetary constellations and discusses what they mean for our time. As the ancient axiom states: as above, so below.

Format: MP3. Once you purchase the recording you will get a link to download it to whatever digital MP3 player you have on your computer. From there you can upload it to an iPhone, Android phone or any other MP3 player. You can download the file three times (just in case you have technical problems).

Duration: 57 minutes

The very popular Venus Meditation is available again. This is a guided meditation. Learn how to get in touch with your inner Venus. She represents love, beauty, seduction, passion, the arts, fashion, food, money, and such delights. She also embodies jealousy, gossip, and backstabbing. Avoid driving while listening this to this!

Format: MP3. Once you purchase the recording you will get a link to download it to whatever digital MP3 player you have on your computer. From there you can upload it to an iPhone, Android phone or any other MP3 player. You can download the file three times (just in case you have technical problems).

Duration: 19 minutes

Presented to the Theosophical Society in St. Louis. Encounter triangles, trinities, tripods, triplicities, triads, trines and tribulations on a voyage from antiquity through today.

Format: MP3. Once you purchase the recording you will get a link to download it to whatever digital MP3 player you have on your computer. From there you can upload it to an iPhone, Android phone or any other MP3 player. You can download the file three times (just in case you have technical problems).

Duration: 1 hours 22 minutes